Today is Animal Rights Day!

We celebrate this day each year and recognize the sentient nature of all animals. Central to the understanding is animals have feelings and emotions. Things humans can do include stop eating them, wearing their skin or fur, and using them for entertainment.

Download the page and share with others to get the conversation started.

Today is World Fisheries Day!

Every year, World Fisheries Day is celebrated on November 21 by ocean lovers and fishing communities around the world. The day is heralded enthusiastically and celebrated in many ways- educational, artistic, and culturally. The day also highlights the problems of overfishing and technical advancements and tries to find solutions to the problems of our ocean ecosystems. Please celebrate with me by downloading and coloring this sheet.


Today is a good day to learn more about these graceful creatures. Stingrays, with their wide, flat bodies, may not look like fish, but they are. They are related to sharks, and like their shark cousins, they do not have bones.

Educators are encouraged to download and reproduce this sheet, share with others and start conversations about conservation and respect.

Today is the 1st day of Clean Beaches Week!

Did you know today begins a week dedicated to clean beaches? We have a week to plan how to contribute efforts for a healthy ecosystem. There are many organizations one can join in these efforts. July 4th is a tough day for the beach with a lot of fireworks and other trash being left behind. Taking a moment today to educate yourself, family and friends can be most helpful. If you are an educator- please use this as a starting point for your lessons. Let’s all do our part to help keep our beaches, oceans and shorelines trash free.


Did you know MAY 23 is World Turtle Day?

The purpose of this day is to bring attention to, and increase knowledge of and respect for turtles and tortoises, and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive. To celebrate, I’m dropping this free original art coloring sheet with educational links. Please share, download and reproduce as desired.

I would love to see what you do with it! So please send your JPEG or PDF to I will post it on my website

Each month I will drop a new free original art coloring sheet. Each month the artwork that wins my heart will receive a free giveaway of my design.


Did you know April 14 is National Dolphin Day?

Let’s take a minute to learn more about these social and intelligent mammals of the sea on this special day. To celebrate, I’m dropping this free original art coloring sheet with educational links. Please share, download and reproduce as desired.

I would love to see what you do with it! So please send your JPEG or PDF to I will post it on my website

Each month I will drop a new free original art coloring sheet. Each month the artwork that wins my heart will receive a free giveaway of my design.

April 14, 2022 is National Dolphin Day!

World Mermaid Day Is Today!

Did you know March 29 is World Mermaid Day?

Today is a day to take some time to learn about these fanciful creatures that dominate the fantasies of many girls and women. To celebrate, I’m dropping this free original art coloring sheet with educational links. Feel free to download and reproduce as desired.

I would love to see what you do with it! So please send your JPEG or PDF to I will post it on my website

Each month I will drop a new free original art coloring sheet. Each month the artwork that wins my heart will receive a free giveaway of my design.

World Whale Day is Today!

Did you know February 20 is “World Whale Day?”

Today is a day to take some time to learn about these magnificent creatures with whom we share our planet. To celebrate, I’m dropping this free original art coloring sheet with educational links. Feel free to download and reproduce as desired.

I would love to see what you do with it! So please send your JPEG or PDF to I will post it on my website

Each month I will drop a new free original art coloring sheet. Each month the artwork that wins my heart will receive a free giveaway of my design.

Kiss A Shark Week Coloring Sheet

Did you know January 23 starts “Kiss A Shark Week?” To celebrate, I’m dropping this free original art coloring sheet with educational links. Feel free to download and reproduce as desired.

I would love to see what you do with it! So please send your JPEG or PDF to I will post it on my website

Each month I will drop a new free original art coloring sheet. Each month the artwork that wins my heart will receive a free giveaway of my design.